Lose Weight By Walking
Now is the perfect time to start walking! It not only energises you, but it also helps reduce your weight. Walking should be aimed at covering a particular distance or duration — all geared towards maintaining your health and regulating your weight.
There are many strategies to help you lose weight, one of which is by simply walking. This article tells you how to increase cardiovascular activity and ward off weight gain with good walking techniques.
Read about the different walking styles
In order to maintain a healthy weight, it has been proven that you should walk for at least 30 minutes a day. To do so, follow these three styles of walking:
1. Try to be as straight as possible including back while walking.
2. Your arms should be swing in front and back straight at a maximum angle of 90 degree centigrade with the body.
3. Take more steps instead of taking longer strides. Walking should be maintained in a straight line as possible and try to keep your foot very close.
Trainers advice for walking
Start walking slowly and gradually increase your speed and miles, always monitoring how your body responds to the exercise.
A lack of exercise decreases muscle and energy levels. Walking for some minutes a day will help you achieve your weight loss goal as it is an easy, free form of exercise that anyone can participate in. It will also improve your overall level of fitness as you observe some weight loss progress.
Heart rate is one of the factors for burning calories, and higher heart rate can at the same time mimic more effective weight loss. However, good trainers will always cautions to not exceed 60% of your maximum heart rate. This is because with age there is a reduction in pump ability of the body.
You can lose weight by walking using this schedule. Start your workout with 10 minutes of brisk walking to warm up, then move into one of five different time zones, each for thirty minutes. After your workout is over, cool down for 10 minutes again.